Knowledge base

Explore our library of how to help articles covering every aspect of CareHQ.

All users
Account owners
Regional managers
Location users

Getting started

Get started on CareHQ with our selection of articles and video guides covering everything you need to know as a new user.

Care enquiries

Learn how to add care enquiries to CareHQ and progress them through the sales journey.


Learn how to use CareHQ's reports to gain valuable insights into your care business in real-time.

Your user account

Learn how to update your profile, notifications settings & preferences, and access credentials.

Account configuration

Learn how to configure your CareHQ account, including managing your list of closed reasons, mapping nominal codes and tax rates inline with your accounts package, and managing access for your users.

Advanced account configuration

Learn about advanced changes we can make for you including setting up integrations (with Autumna,, Mailchimp, Xero, etc.), tailoring security settings, customising email and PDF templates, and creation of additional brands.

API integration

Advice and guidance on integrating your website and other applications with CareHQ via our API.