Simplify billing & expenses

Automate invoice runs, get notified of billing discrepancies before the next invoice date and manage petty cash and resident ledgers.

  • Save time invoicing

    Generates invoices for your residents in seconds with CareHQ's billing engine.

  • Manage expenses with ledgers

    Stay on top of resident and service expenditure with ledgers.

  • Export to your accounts package

    Download invoices and ledgers ready to import into your accounts package.

Take the hassle out of invoicing

CareHQ's billing engine automatically generates invoices for your residents based on their care package, the parties paying for care and the period being billed for.

  • Instantly see who has / hasn't been billed and identify discrepancies
  • Preview invoices before generating them
  • Select the invoices you want to raise and generate them in one click

Handle complex billing rules

Billing for care has its own set of unique challenges that can make automation difficult. CareHQ's billing engine is designed to be flexible and configurable to address these challenges.

  • Define rules for billing periods, invoice issue and due dates
  • Specify billing for days after death
  • Consolidate multiple resident invoices into a single invoice for funding bodies
Billing setup for a contact

Brand and format invoices

We understand care providers may operate more than one brand and that different funding bodies can request invoices in specific formats.

  • Set up multiple brands under one account so that invoices are branded inline with the location they are being generated for
  • Modify the format of invoice line items to meet the requirements of different funding bodies
Invoices with different branding

Stay on top of expenses with ledgers

Use CareHQ to manage and balance the petty cash and resident expense ledgers at each of your locations.

  • Get an overview of petty cash and resident balances
  • Configure automatic notifications for managers and statements for resident contacts when a ledger balance is running low
  • Track expenditure across all locations and report on spend by category
Service user balances overview

Export to your accounts package

CareHQ plays well with your accounts package of choice. We provide dedicated export tools for Xero, SageIntuit and Tradeshift a generic export designed to work with any accounts package that can import CSV or Excel files.

Logos for accounts packages CareHQ exports to