Use data to make decisions

With CareHQ you get access to an array of reports focused on metrics that matter to care providers, helping you make better decisions.

Sales funnel
  • Built for UK care providers

    We focus on insights relevant to providers operating in the UK care market.

  • Get up to date reports

    Get reports based on current data whenever you need them.

  • Export to Excel, CSV and PDF

    All reports can be exported as Excel or CSV files, or printed as PDFs.

Discover your care enquiry sources

Identify the channels and referrers that generate care enquiries, track conversion rates and establish ROI.

  • Use filters to breakdown data by secondary metrics including funding type, respite vs permanent and type of care required
  • Plot care enquiries geographically to understand your reach and identify areas with key features such as higher private funding ratios
  • Track the performance of every source over time and compare to any past period
Graph showing the volume of care enquiries by channel

Understand why care enquiries fail to convert

Convert more care enquiries by addressing the reasons behind those you don't.

  • View where in the sales cycle care seekers are dropping out
  • Dig into the reasons behind care enquiries failing to convert
  • Track the number of leads lost to individual competitors and types of competitor
Table showing the reasons care enquiries closed without placing

See the whole picture

Beyond the sales pipeline CareHQ provides oversight of metrics that matter for the day-to-day operation of your care business.

  • Monitor and forecast future occupancy across your care homes
  • View the demographic make up of your residents by care needs, funding type, weekly fee and expected length of stay
  • Review data capture quality and user activity within CareHQ to ensure you're getting the whole picture
Graph showing occupancy across care homes

Monitor financial performance

Are you getting the right price for your rooms? Is revenue per care home falling? Which expense ledgers show an increase and why? We've got that covered.

  • Track and forecast actual vs. target average weekly fees by location, care type and funding type
  • Review monthly revenue across your portfolio and see detailed billing schedules for each home
  • Track spend across expense ledgers and view breakdowns by care home and type of spend
Graph showing average weekly rate

Every report in CareHQ

CareHQ reports are compiled from real-time data and load instantly. All reports can be printed as formatted PDFs or exported in MS Excel or CSV format.

  • Acquisition
    Track the volume and conversion rate of care enquiries by sales channel and referrer.
  • Closed reasons
    View a breakdown of the reasons care enquiries close without placing.
  • Average stay
    View the average length of stay for residents as well as the revenue generated.
  • Sales cycle
    Track your conversion rate and identify where in your sales journey care enquiries are lost.
  • Sales pipeline
    Review the stage of all active care enquiries within the sales pipeline.
  • Funding at risk
    View the number of residents with funding flagged as at risk.
  • Care funds tracker
    Track the balance of resident care funds and forecast the date funds will run out.
  • Geography
    Plot the geographic location of care seekers to discover areas of demand.
  • Location (care home) performance
    Compare key performance metrics for sales and revenue across care homes.
  • Competition
    See which competitors and types of competitor care enquiries are being lost to.
  • Billing schedules
    Review billing schedules and revenue by funding body.
  • Billing discrepancies
    Identify discrepancies between booking rates and the contracts in place to pay for them.
  • Billing review
    Compare the estimated amount to bill with the amount invoiced for a given period.
  • Invoices in dispute
    View a breakdown of invoices currently in dispute across your organisation.
  • Aged debt by billing party
    View a breakdown of debt by billing party (e.g. ICB, council, etc.) and days overdue.
  • Aged debt by resident
    View a breakdown of debt by resident and days overdue.
  • Unallocated funds
    View the amount and age of funds received but not yet reconciled to an invoice.
  • Accruals
    View the amount of revenue overbilled or underbilled for a given period.
  • Accruals (projected)
    View the projected revenue underbilled vs. overbilled on a given date.
  • Expenditure
    Track changes in expenditure across your care homes by ledger.
  • Expenditure breakdown
    View a breakdown of expenditure for locations and residents by category.
  • Occupancy
    Track and forecast occupancy levels across your care homes.
  • Weekly rate
    Track the average weekly rate across your care homes and forecast future rates.
  • Recent admission rates
    Track recent admission rates against target room rates.
  • Room performance
    Review the occupancy achieved and revenue generated for individual rooms.
  • Day care bookings
    View the number of day care bookings and the revenue they generated for any period
  • Gender
    View a breakdown of residents by gender for any period.
  • Birthdays
    View a list of birthdays for services users as well as the distribution by month.
  • Admissions, deaths & discharges
    View the number of admissions, discharges and deaths for any period.
  • FNC applications
    Review the status of FNC (Funded Nursing Care) applications across your care homes.
  • Payment methods
    View a percentage breakdown of payment methods used to pay invoices.
  • Complaints
    View a breakdown of complaints received by outcome, subject matter and location.
  • Fire sheet
    View a list of current residents at a location and details of any absences.
  • TV (ARC) licence
    View details required for an accommodation for residential care TV licence application.
  • Care enquiries per location
    Compare the volume of care enquiries your locations receive against the market.
  • Referrer performance
    Compare the performance of your referrers against the market.
  • Missing documents
    View the details of residents that are missing required documents.
  • End of life
    View the number of resident deaths by those with and without end of life care.
  • Actions overview
    Review outstanding, overdue and completed actions across your locations.
  • App usage
    View frequency of usage of the CareHQ application by your users.
  • Data capture
    Track the accuracy of care enquiry data captured by your users.