Track the volume and conversion rate of care enquiries by sales channel and referrer.
Closed reasons
View a breakdown of the reasons care enquiries close without placing.
Average stay
View the average length of stay and revenue generated for residents over any given period.
Sales cycle
Track your conversion rate and identify where in your sales journey care enquiries are lost.
Sales pipeline
Review the stage of all active care enquiries within the sales pipeline.
Funding at risk
View residents with funding at risk including the total weekly revenue at risk.
Care funds tracker
Track the balance of resident care funds and forecast the date funds will run out.
Plot the geographic location of care seekers to discover areas of demand.
Location (care home) performance
Compare key performance metrics for sales and revenue across care homes.
See which competitors and types of competitor care enquiries are being lost to.
Fees summary
View the accrued (underbilled), deferred (overbilled) and prior period adjustments for a given date range.
Aged debt by billing party
View a breakdown of debt by billing party (e.g. ICB, council, etc.) and days overdue.
Aged debt by resident
View a breakdown of debt by resident and days overdue.
Billing schedules
Review billing schedules and revenue by funding body.
Billing discrepancies
Identify discrepancies between booking rates and the contracts in place to pay for them.
Billing review
Compare the estimated amount to bill with the amount invoiced for a given period.
Invoices in dispute
View a breakdown of invoices currently in dispute across your organisation.
Unallocated funds
View the amount and age of funds received but not yet reconciled to an invoice.
Track changes in expenditure across your care homes by ledger.
Expenditure breakdown
View a breakdown of expenditure for locations and residents by category.
Track and forecast occupancy levels across your care homes.
Weekly rate
Track the average weekly rate across your care homes and forecast future rates.
Recent admission rates
Track recent admission rates against target room rates.
Room performance
Review the occupancy achieved and revenue generated for individual rooms.
View the number of resident absences by reasons for any period.
Day care bookings
View the number of day care bookings and the revenue they generated for any period
View a breakdown of residents by gender for any period.
View a list of birthdays for services users as well as the distribution by month.
Admissions, deaths & discharges
View the number of admissions, discharges and deaths for any period.
FNC applications
Review the status of FNC (Funded Nursing Care) applications across your care homes.
Payment methods
View a percentage breakdown of payment methods used to pay invoices.
View a breakdown of complaints received by outcome, subject matter and location.
Fire sheet
View a list of current residents at a location and details of any absences.
TV (ARC) licence
View details required for an Accommodation for Residential Care TV licence application.
Care enquiries per location
Compare the volume of care enquiries your locations receive against the market.
Referrer performance
Compare the performance of your referrers against the market.
Missing documents
View the details of residents that are missing required documents.
End of life
View the number of resident deaths by those with and without end of life care.
Actions overview
Review outstanding, overdue and completed actions across your locations.
App usage
View frequency of usage of the CareHQ application by your users.
Data capture
Track the accuracy of care enquiry data captured by your users.