An action to be performed by a user, optionally at a scheduled date and time.
A unique Id for the assessment.
A unique number assigned to the action for easy reference.
The assessment the action relates to.
The user the action is assigned to.
The care enquiry the action relates to.
The comment the action relates to.
The date/time the action was completed.
The date/time the assessment was created.
The date/time the action is due.
The home visit the action relates to.
The Id of the location the action relates to (based on the subject of the action).
The parent subject (if any) for the action, for example an action related to an assessment would have a parent subject referencing the related care enquiry.
A list of of notification groups to notify when the action is marked as complete.
The care enquiry or service user the action relates to.
The subject type (if any) of the parent the action relates to; |('care_enquiry', 'service_user').
The calender (if any) the action is pinned to (will appear on); location, user.
A list of reminders set for the action (at most 2).
The service user the action relates to.
The subject type (if any) the action relates to; assessment, care_enquiry, comment, location, home_visit, service_user.
A tag assigned to the action when created to help identify automatically generated actions (this is set by the application and cannot be set by a user or via the API).
A decription of the task to be performed for the action to be be completed.
Flag indicating if the action is urgent (urgent actions always appear at the top of a user's dashboard).
A list of action tags assigned to the action.
"_id": "67a62e0e86dd708e52ab688d",
"action_no": "1",
"assessment": "67a62e0e86dd708e52ab65b5",
"assigned_to": "67a62e0b86dd708e52ab583d",
"care_enquiry": null,
"comment": null,
"completed": null,
"created": "2025-02-07 16:00:14",
"due": "2025-02-20 14:30:00",
"home_visit": null,
"location": "67a62e0b86dd708e52ab5831",
"modified": "2025-02-07 16:00:14",
"notify_on_complete": [],
"parent_subject": "67a62e0e86dd708e52ab65b0",
"parent_subject_type": "care_enquiry",
"pin_to_calendar": null,
"reminders": [],
"service_users": null,
"subject_type": "assessment",
"tag": "care_enquiry__perform_assessment",
"task": "Record outcome of assessment for the service user.",
"urgent": false,
"user_tags": []
The Id of user the action should be assigned to.
The Id of the care enquiry the action relates to.
The date/time the action is due to be completed by.
A list of Ids for notification groups to notify when the action is marked as complete.
The Id of the service user the action relates to.
A description of the task to complete.
A flag indicating if the action is urgent.
A list of action tags (groups) Ids assigned to the action.
Returns the action object created.
var action = apiClient.Request(
new MultDict()
.Add("assigned_to", userId)
.Add("care_enquiry", careEnquiryId),
.Add("due", dueDateTime),
.Add("reminders_0-offset_type", "delta"),
.Add("reminders_0-offset_delta", 15),
.Add("reminders_0-method", "email"),
"Call Bob to see if he has an update on his when his " +
"father is leaving hospital."
$action = $api_client->request(
'task'=>'Call Bob to see if he has an update on his when his father is '
. 'leaving hospital.'
action = api_client(
'assigned_to': user_id,
'care_enquiry': care_enquiry_id,
'due': due_date_time,
'reminders_0-offset_type': 'delta',
'reminders_0-offset_delta': 15,
'reminders_0-method': 'email',
'task': (
'Call Bob to see if he has an update on his when his father is'
'leaving hospital.'
action = api_client.request(
data: {
'assigned_to' => user_id,
'care_enquiry' => care_enquiry_id,
'due' => due_date_time,
'reminders_0-offset_type' => 'delta',
'reminders_0-offset_delta' => 15,
'reminders_0-method' => 'email',
'task' => 'Call Bob to see if he has an update on his when his father ' +
'is leaving hospital.'
"_id": "67a62e1731260496065d20b4",
"action_no": "8",
"assigned_to": null,
"care_enquiry": "67a62e1786dd708e52ab6f40",
"completed": null,
"created": "2025-02-07 16:00:23",
"due": "2025-02-09 11:00:00",
"location": "67a62e0b86dd708e52ab5831",
"modified": "2025-02-07 16:00:23",
"notify_on_complete": [],
"parent_subject": "67a62e1786dd708e52ab6f40",
"pin_to_calendar": null,
"reminders": [
"method": "email",
"offset_delta": 15,
"offset_time_str": null,
"offset_type": "delta"
"subject_type": "care_enquiry",
"task": "Call Bob to see if he has an update on his when his father isleaving hospital.",
"urgent": false,
"user_tags": []
Return a list of actions.
A list of attributes to include for fetched objects.
A filter that accepts a list of user Ids and filters actions by the user they are assigned to.
A filter that allows assessments to be filtered by whether the assessment is completed.
A filter that accepts a date and filters actions to those due before or on the end date.
A filter that accepts a list of Ids and filters the items returned to those with an Id in the list.
A filter that accepts a date/time and filters the items returned to those modified after the date/time.
A filter that accepts a date/time and filters the items returned to those modified before the date/time.
A filter that accepts a list of care enquiry and/or service user Ids and filters actions by the subject the actions are associated with.
A case insensitive keyword filter applied to the following fields; action_no, task.
A filter that accepts a date and filters actions to those due after or on the start date.
A filter that allows actions to be filtered by whether the action is urgent.
The page number to fetch.
The number of items to return per page.
A list of fields the returned items can be sorted by. Fields prefixed with minus (-) sign are sorted in descending order.
Returns a page of actions.
var actions = apiClient.Request(
new MultiValueDict()
.Add("attributes", "action_no", "task")
.Add("filters-q", "hair dressing")
$actions = $api_client->request(
'attributes'=>['action_no', 'task'],
'filters-q'=>'hair dressing'
actions = api_client(
'attributes': ['action_no', 'task'],
'filters-q': 'hair dressing'
actions = api_client.request(
params: {
'attributes' => ['action_no', 'task'],
'filters-q' => 'hair dressing'
"item_count": 1,
"items": [
"_id": "67a62e0e86dd708e52ab688f",
"action_no": "2",
"task": "Confirm costs of hair dressing appointment for Anna with her daughter."
"page": 1,
"page_count": 1,
"per_page": 10
var action = apiClient.Request(HttpMethod.Get, $"actions/{actionId}")
$action = $api_client->request('GET', 'actions/' . $action_id);
action = api_client('GET', f'actions/{action_id}')
action = api_client.request('GET', "actions/#{action_id}")
"_id": "67a62e0e86dd708e52ab688d",
"action_no": "1",
"assessment": "67a62e0e86dd708e52ab65b5",
"assigned_to": "67a62e0b86dd708e52ab583d",
"care_enquiry": null,
"comment": null,
"completed": null,
"created": "2025-02-07 16:00:14",
"due": "2025-02-20 14:30:00",
"home_visit": null,
"location": "67a62e0b86dd708e52ab5831",
"modified": "2025-02-07 16:00:14",
"notify_on_complete": [],
"parent_subject": "67a62e0e86dd708e52ab65b0",
"parent_subject_type": "care_enquiry",
"pin_to_calendar": null,
"reminders": [],
"service_users": null,
"subject_type": "assessment",
"tag": "care_enquiry__perform_assessment",
"task": "Record outcome of assessment for the service user.",
"urgent": false,
"user_tags": []
The Id of user the action should be assigned to.
The date/time the action is due to be completed by.
A list of Ids for notification groups to notify when the action is marked as complete.
A description of the task to complete.
A flag indicating if the action is urgent.
A list of action tags (groups) Ids assigned to the action.
Returns the action object updated.
var action = apiClient.Request(
new MultiValueDict()
"Check with Bob if he has a time his father will be " +
"checking in on Friday."
$comment = $api_client->request(
'actions/' . action_id,
'task'=>'Check with Bob if he has a time his father will be checking '
. 'in on Friday.'
action = api_client(
'task': (
'Check with Bob if he has a time his father will be checking '
'in on Friday.'
'urgent': True
action = api_client.request(
data: {
'task'=>'Check with Bob if he has a time his father will be ' +
'checking in on Friday.'
"_id": "67a62e1786dd708e52ab6f4e",
"action_no": "12",
"assigned_to": "67a62e0b86dd708e52ab5837",
"care_enquiry": "67a62e1786dd708e52ab6f4a",
"completed": null,
"created": "2025-02-07 16:00:23",
"due": "2025-02-09 11:00:00",
"modified": "2025-02-07 16:00:23",
"notify_on_complete": [],
"parent_subject": "67a62e1786dd708e52ab6f4a",
"pin_to_calendar": null,
"reminders": [
"method": "email",
"offset_delta": 15,
"offset_time_str": null,
"offset_type": "delta"
"subject_type": "care_enquiry",
"task": "Check with Bob if he has a time his father will be checking in on Friday.",
"urgent": true,
"user_tags": []
var actions = apiClient.Request(
$action = $api_client->request(
'actions/' . action_id . '/complete'
action = api_client(
actions = api_client.request(
"_id": "67a62e1786dd708e52ab6f3e",
"action_no": "6",
"assigned_to": "67a62e0b86dd708e52ab5837",
"care_enquiry": "67a62e1786dd708e52ab6f3a",
"completed": "2025-02-07 16:00:23",
"created": "2025-02-07 16:00:23",
"due": "2025-02-09 11:00:00",
"modified": "2025-02-07 16:00:23",
"notify_on_complete": [],
"parent_subject": "67a62e1786dd708e52ab6f3a",
"reminders": [
"method": "email",
"offset_delta": 15,
"offset_type": "delta"
"subject_type": "care_enquiry",
"task": "Call Bob to see if he has an update on his when his father isleaving hospital.",
"urgent": false,
"user_tags": []
var actions = apiClient.Request(
$action = $api_client->request(
'actions/' . action_id . '/reopen'
action = api_client(
actions = api_client.request(
"_id": "67a62e1786dd708e52ab6f48",
"action_no": "10",
"assigned_to": "67a62e0b86dd708e52ab5837",
"care_enquiry": "67a62e1786dd708e52ab6f44",
"completed": null,
"created": "2025-02-07 16:00:23",
"due": "2025-02-09 11:00:00",
"modified": "2025-02-07 16:00:23",
"notify_on_complete": [],
"parent_subject": "67a62e1786dd708e52ab6f44",
"reminders": [
"method": "email",
"offset_delta": 15,
"offset_type": "delta"
"subject_type": "care_enquiry",
"task": "Call Bob to see if he has an update on his when his father isleaving hospital.",
"urgent": false,
"user_tags": []