A person who uses the services of the care provider, this might be a resident at a residential/nursing home or a client of a home care or live-in care service.
A unique Id for the service user.
The service user's account code (used when exporting invoices to an accounts package).
The date/time the service user was anonymized (if anonymized).
Flag indicating that the service user requires assistance with dressing.
Flag indicating that the service user requires assistance with with eating.
Flag indicating that the service user requires assistance with taking medication.
Flag indicating that the service user requires assistance with personal care.
Flag indicating that invoices for expenses should be billed to the service user themselves.
The billing party's preference for receiving billing related commsemail, post, do_not_send.
A flag indiciating if billing is enabled for the service user.
The service user contact that should be billed for the service user's expenses.
The date/time the service user was created.
The date/time at which the service user left the day care service at the location.
Any notes recorded when the user was discharged from day care.
The reason for leaving given when/if the service user was discharged from day care.
The status of the service user as a day care user; active, inactive.
The use of day care by the service user; exclusive, inclusive, not_used.
The date/time at which the service user was deactivated (left the location, if they have left).
Flag indicating that the service user has dementia.
Flag indicating that the service user has dementia with challenging behaviour.
Flag indicating that the service user has dementia and is prone to wander.
The service user's date of birth.
A list of email addresses to send invoices (and related documents) to.
Flag indiciating the service user is receiving end of life (palliative) care.
The service user's first name.
The date FNC was applied for for the service user.
The status of any FNC (NHS-funded nursing care) application for the service user; not_applicable, applied_for, granted, declined.
Date/Time indicating if and when the service user's funding was flagged as at risk.
The type of funding in place for the service user; private, local_authority, local_authority_top_up, chc, chc_lifestyle, block_bed, dta_spot, not_sure.
A flag indicating that while billing is enabled for the service user they cannot appear as an option for new contracts or invoices.
A list of predefined service user's genders: male, female, non_binary, transgender, intersex.
If one or more of the service users genders are not present in the predefined gender set then additional gender terms can be given in as other genders.
The age given for the service user if the date of birth isn't known.
A flag indicating if the service user has an direct debit mandate in place (in any state, pending, active or pending cancellation).
A list of fields to identify a service user with when generating a line item for the service user in an invoice for the service useraccount_code, full_name, initials, nhs_number, patient_id, ref.
A flag indicating that the billing party wants to receive billing comms (invoices, statements, etc.) in larger print.
The service user's last name.
Any notes recorded when the user was discharged.
The Id of the location this service user is a client of.
The geographical position of the service user as longitude/latitude coordinates.
A minimum ledger balance (in pence) below which a balance alert for this service user should be sent. If set, this balance overrides the min balance set for service users against the account.
The service user's mobile number.
Flag indicating that the service user is bed bound.
Flag indicating that the service user can walk unaided.
Flag indicating that the service user requires a hoist or aid getting out of bed.
Flag indicating that the service user uses a walking stick.
Flag indicating that the service user uses a wheelchair.
The date/time the service user was modified.
The service user's national insurance number.
The service user's NHS number.
Any additional notes regarding the service user.
A generic Id, (or code, reference, etc.) for the service user.
The method the billing party is expected to use for making paymentscard, cash, cheque, standing_order, direct_debit, bac.
The service user's postal address.
Address line 1 (e.g. house name/number).
Address line 2 (e.g. street).
Town, city or village.
Postal code.
A name preferred by the service user.
The reason for leaving given when/if the service user was discharged.
A unique numeric reference for the service user.
Flag indicating that the service user is registered as blind.
Flag indicating that a balance alert should be sent for the service user when their balance is low.
The service the service user requires; assisted_living, residential_home, nursing_home, learning_disability_care, bariatric_care, specialist_care, home_care, live_in_care.
The Id of the care enquiry the service user was converted from.
The service user's current status; pending, active, inactive.
The service user's street address.
Address line 1 (e.g. house name/number).
Address line 2 (e.g. street).
Town, city or village.
Postal code.
The service user's title.
The Id of the service user this service user was duplicated from when transferred to this location.
Flag indicating that the service user is visually impaired.
"_id": "67a62e0e86dd708e52ab66c1",
"account_code": "AM0404",
"anonymized": null,
"assistance_with_dressing": true,
"assistance_with_eating": true,
"assistance_with_medication": false,
"assistance_with_personal_care": true,
"bill_self_for_expenses": true,
"billing_comms_preference": null,
"billing_enabled": true,
"billing_party_for_expenses": null,
"created": "2025-02-07 16:00:14",
"day_care_deactivated": null,
"day_care_leaving_notes": null,
"day_care_reason_for_leaving": null,
"day_care_status": "inactive",
"day_care_use": "not_used",
"deactivated": null,
"dementia": false,
"dementia_challenging_behaviour": null,
"dementia_prone_to_wander": null,
"dob": null,
"email_invoices_to": null,
"end_of_life_care": false,
"first_name": "Anna",
"fnc_application_date": null,
"fnc_application_status": null,
"funding_at_risk": null,
"funding_type": "chc",
"future_billing_disabled": null,
"genders": [
"genders_other": null,
"given_age": 100,
"has_direct_debit_mandate": null,
"invoices_service_user_id_fields": null,
"large_print_requested_for_billing": null,
"last_name": "Murphy",
"leaving_notes": "",
"location": "67a62e0b86dd708e52ab5831",
"lon_lat": null,
"min_ledger_balance": null,
"mobile": null,
"mobility_bed_bound": null,
"mobility_can_walk_unaided": true,
"mobility_requires_aid_or_hoist": null,
"mobility_uses_stick": null,
"mobility_uses_wheelchair": null,
"modified": "2025-02-07 16:00:14",
"national_insurance_number": null,
"nhs_number": null,
"notes": "Anna is mobile but her legs feel heavy and she tends to shuffle/furniture walk. Anna prefers not to use a frame but does have one and she will need help standing as it is an effort.\n\nAnna needs support with personal care and dressing.",
"patient_id": null,
"payment_method": "cash",
"postal_address": null,
"preferred_name": null,
"reason_for_leaving": null,
"ref": "404",
"registered_blind": null,
"send_balance_alert": null,
"service": "nursing_home",
"source_care_enquiry": null,
"status": "active",
"street_address": {
"address_1": "",
"address_2": "",
"country": "",
"county": "",
"postcode": "",
"town": ""
"title": "",
"transferred_from": null,
"visually_impaired": false
Return a list of service users.
A list of attributes to include for fetched objects.
A filter that allows service users to be filtered by whether the enquiry is anonymized.
A filter that accepts a list of status a day care service user can be in and filters service users by their current day care status.
A filter that accepts a list of a day care uses and filters service users by their current use of day care.
A filter that accepts a list of Ids and filters the items returned to those with an Id in the list.
A filter that accepts a list of location Ids and filters service users by the location they are a client of.
A filter that accepts a date/time and filters the items returned to those modified after the date/time.
A filter that accepts a date/time and filters the items returned to those modified before the date/time.
A case insensitive keyword filter applied to the following fields; ref, full_name.
A filter that accepts a list of status a service user can be in and filters service users by their current status.
The page number to fetch.
The number of items to return per page.
A list of fields the returned items can be sorted by. Fields prefixed with minus (-) sign are sorted in descending order.
Returns a page of service users.
var serviceUsers = apiClient.Request(
new MultiValueDict()
.Add("attributes", "ref", "first_name", "last_name")
.Add("filters-day_care_use", "not_used")
.Add("filters-status", "pending", "active")
.Add("sort_by", "full_name")
$service_users = $api_client->request(
'attributes'=>['ref', 'first_name', 'last_name'],
'filters-status'=>['pending', 'active'],
service_users = api_client(
'attributes': ['ref', 'first_name', 'last_name'],
'filters-day_care_use': ['not_used'],
'filters-status': ['pending', 'active'],
'sort_by': 'full_name'
service_users = api_client.request(
params: {
'attributes' => ['ref', 'first_name', 'last_name'],
'filters-day_care_use' => ['not_used'],
'filters-status' => ['pending', 'active'],
'sort_by' => 'full_name'
"item_count": 61,
"items": [
"_id": "67a62e0e86dd708e52ab66c1",
"first_name": "Anna",
"last_name": "Murphy",
"ref": "404"
"_id": "67a62e0e86dd708e52ab66ab",
"first_name": "Barry",
"last_name": "Taylor",
"ref": "398"
"_id": "67a62e0e86dd708e52ab6679",
"first_name": "Beth",
"last_name": "Bishop",
"ref": "385"
"_id": "67a62e0e86dd708e52ab6765",
"first_name": "Brian",
"last_name": "Shaw",
"ref": "455"
"_id": "67a62e0e86dd708e52ab66a7",
"first_name": "Bruce",
"last_name": "Bruce",
"ref": "397"
"_id": "67a62e0e86dd708e52ab6719",
"first_name": "Carol",
"last_name": "Watson",
"ref": "430"
"_id": "67a62e0e86dd708e52ab66e3",
"first_name": "Carol",
"last_name": "Wilson",
"ref": "413"
"_id": "67a62e0e86dd708e52ab6699",
"first_name": "Carolyn",
"last_name": "Moss",
"ref": "393"
"_id": "67a62e0e86dd708e52ab6675",
"first_name": "Charlene",
"last_name": "Evans",
"ref": "384"
"_id": "67a62e0e86dd708e52ab66a3",
"first_name": "Damien",
"last_name": "Ali",
"ref": "396"
"page": 1,
"page_count": 7,
"per_page": 10
var serviceUser = apiClient.Request(
$service_user = $api_client->request(
'service-users/' . $service_user_id
service_user = api_client('GET', f'service-users/{service_user_id}')
service_user = api_client.request('GET', "service-users/#{service_user_id}")
"_id": "67a62e0e86dd708e52ab66c1",
"account_code": "AM0404",
"anonymized": null,
"assistance_with_dressing": true,
"assistance_with_eating": true,
"assistance_with_medication": false,
"assistance_with_personal_care": true,
"bill_self_for_expenses": true,
"billing_comms_preference": null,
"billing_enabled": true,
"billing_party_for_expenses": null,
"created": "2025-02-07 16:00:14",
"day_care_deactivated": null,
"day_care_leaving_notes": null,
"day_care_reason_for_leaving": null,
"day_care_status": "inactive",
"day_care_use": "not_used",
"deactivated": null,
"dementia": false,
"dementia_challenging_behaviour": null,
"dementia_prone_to_wander": null,
"dob": null,
"email_invoices_to": null,
"end_of_life_care": false,
"first_name": "Anna",
"fnc_application_date": null,
"fnc_application_status": null,
"funding_at_risk": null,
"funding_type": "chc",
"future_billing_disabled": null,
"genders": [
"genders_other": null,
"given_age": 100,
"has_direct_debit_mandate": null,
"invoices_service_user_id_fields": null,
"large_print_requested_for_billing": null,
"last_name": "Murphy",
"leaving_notes": "",
"location": "67a62e0b86dd708e52ab5831",
"lon_lat": null,
"min_ledger_balance": null,
"mobile": null,
"mobility_bed_bound": null,
"mobility_can_walk_unaided": true,
"mobility_requires_aid_or_hoist": null,
"mobility_uses_stick": null,
"mobility_uses_wheelchair": null,
"modified": "2025-02-07 16:00:14",
"national_insurance_number": null,
"nhs_number": null,
"notes": "Anna is mobile but her legs feel heavy and she tends to shuffle/furniture walk. Anna prefers not to use a frame but does have one and she will need help standing as it is an effort.\n\nAnna needs support with personal care and dressing.",
"patient_id": null,
"payment_method": "cash",
"postal_address": null,
"preferred_name": null,
"reason_for_leaving": null,
"ref": "404",
"registered_blind": null,
"send_balance_alert": null,
"service": "nursing_home",
"source_care_enquiry": null,
"status": "active",
"street_address": {
"address_1": "",
"address_2": "",
"country": "",
"county": "",
"postcode": "",
"town": ""
"title": "",
"transferred_from": null,
"visually_impaired": false