An enquiry received for care, typically a care enquiry includes details of the care seeker, the service user (or users) and their care requirements.
Care enquiries have a life cycle from their initial inception through to their resolution either as a placed service user or a closed enquiry.
A unique Id for the care enquiry.
The date/time the care enquiry was anonymized (if anonymized).
The user the care enquiry is assigned to.
A description of the service user's care requirements.
Additional notes on why the care enquiry was closed.
The date/time the care enquiry was created.
Flag indicating that the service user has dementia. If null this indicates that it is unknown if the service user has dementia.
Flag indicating that the service user has dementia with challenging behaviour.
Flag indicating that the service user has dementia and is prone to wander.
The service user's date of birth.
The care seeker's email address.
Flag indicating that the care seeker is also the service user for the care enquiry.
The care seeker's first name.
The type of funding in place for the service user; private, local_authority, local_authority_top_up, chc, chc_lifestyle, block_bed, dta_spot, not_sure.
A list of predefined service user's genders; male, female, non_binary, transgender, intersex.
If one or more of the service users genders are not present in the predefined gender set then additional gender terms can be given in as other genders.
The age given for the service user if the date of birth isn't known.
Flag indicating the service user has used the service before.
The care enquiry journey.
Details of when the pending stage was reached.
The date/time when the this milestone was completed.
The user who triggered the action that completed the milestone.
Details of when the spoken to stage was reached.
The date/time when the this milestone was completed.
The user who triggered the action that completed the milestone.
Details of when the visit booked stage was reached.
The date/time when the this milestone was completed.
The user who triggered the action that completed the milestone.
Details of when the visit complete stage was reached.
The date/time when the this milestone was completed.
The user who triggered the action that completed the milestone.
Details of when the assessment arranged stage was reached.
The date/time when the this milestone was completed.
The user who triggered the action that completed the milestone.
Details of when the assessment complete stage was reached.
The date/time when the this milestone was completed.
The user who triggered the action that completed the milestone.
Details of when the admitted stage was reached.
The date/time when the this milestone was completed.
The user who triggered the action that completed the milestone.
Details of when the closed stage was reached.
The date/time when the this milestone was completed.
The user who triggered the action that completed the milestone.
The date/time of the last interaction with the care enquiry.
The care seeker's last name.
A list of Ids for items of literature the care seeker has been sent and has subsequently downloaded.
A list of Ids for items of literature the care seeker has been sent.
The Id of the location this care enquiry was received by.
The geographical position of the service user's as longitude/latitude coordinates.
The care seeker's mobile number.
The date/time the care enquiry was modified.
The care seeker's phone number.
The competitor the service user eventually placed with.
The care seeker's postal address.
Address line 1 (e.g. house name/number).
Address line 2 (e.g. street).
Town, city or village.
Postal code.
The Id of the reason given for closing the care enquiry.
A unique numeric reference for the care enquiry.
The Id of the referrer that referred the care enquiry.
If an exact referrer group for the care enquiry doesn't exist then the attribute can contain a description of another referrer.
The relationship of the care seeker to the service user, typical values include; Aunt, Brother, Brother-in-law, Cousin, Daughter, Daughter-in-law, Dentist, Discharge team member, District nurse, Doctor, Ex-husband, Ex-wife, Father, Father-in-law, Friend, Grandson, Grandson-in-law, Granddaughter, Granddaughter-in-law, Great granddaughter, Great grandson, Great nephew, Great niece, Husband, Independent broker, Lasting power of attorney, Mother, Mother-in-law, Neighbour, Nephew, Niece, Occupational therapist, Other, Partner, Sister, Sister-in-law, Social worker, Son, Son-in-law, Spiritual leader, Stepdaughter, Stepson, Uncle, Wife.
Flag indiciating the service user requires respite. If null this indicates that it is unknown if the service user requires respite.
The period of respite required if the service user requires it.
The Id of the sales channel that the care enquiry was received via.
The service the service user requires; assisted_living, residential_home, nursing_home, learning_disability_care, bariatric_care, specialist_care, home_care, live_in_care.
The Id of an existing service user record this care enquiry relates to.
The service user's first name.
The service user's last name.
A name preferred by the service user.
The service user's title.
Flag indicating the care seeker has been spoken to.
The stage the care enquiry has reached in the sales journey; pending, spoken_to, visit_booked, visit_complete, assessment_arranged, assessment_complete, admitted, closed.
The Id of the user that the care enquiry was taken by.
The timeframe before the service user requires care.
The care seeker's title.
A town or postcode associated with the service user's current location.
The name of the marketing campaign that generated the care enquiry.
A tracking Id for the care enquiry defined by an third-party application or source.
"_id": "67a62e0e86dd708e52ab65c5",
"anonymized": null,
"assigned_to": "67a62e0b86dd708e52ab583d",
"care_requirements": "Stuart is living at home on his own currently and is no longer able to care for herself and her family isn't located close enough to help support her.\n\nStuart is mobile but his legs feel heavy and he tends to shuffle/furniture walk. Stuart prefers not to use a frame but does have one and he will need help standing as it is an effort.\n\nStuart needs support with personal care and dressing.",
"closing_notes": null,
"created": "2025-02-04 12:00:00",
"dementia": true,
"dementia_challenging_behaviour": false,
"dementia_prone_to_wander": false,
"dob": "1951-03-26",
"email": "",
"enquiring_for_self": false,
"first_name": "Gordon",
"funding_type": "local_authority",
"genders": [
"genders_other": null,
"given_age": 73,
"has_used_service_before": false,
"journey": {
"admitted": null,
"assessment_arranged": null,
"assessment_complete": null,
"closed": null,
"pending": {
"changed": "2025-02-04 12:00:00",
"user": "67a62e0b86dd708e52ab583d",
"user_sticky_label": "Mark Walford <>"
"spoken_to": {
"changed": "2025-02-04 12:00:00",
"user": "67a62e0b86dd708e52ab583d",
"user_sticky_label": "Mark Walford <>"
"visit_booked": null,
"visit_complete": null
"last_interaction": "2025-02-04 12:00:00",
"last_name": "Parker",
"literature_items_downloaded": [],
"literature_items_sent": [
"location": "67a62e0b86dd708e52ab5831",
"lon_lat": null,
"mobile": "447884355387",
"modified": "2025-02-07 16:00:14",
"phone": "01237675680",
"placed_with_competitor": null,
"postal_address": {
"address_1": "Studio 80\nGemma lane",
"address_2": "",
"country": "",
"county": "Worcestershire",
"postcode": "WR10 1HH",
"town": "Port Shaunburgh"
"reason_for_closing": null,
"ref": "332",
"referrer": "67a62e0a86dd708e52ab57c1",
"referrer_other": null,
"relationship": "Brother",
"requires_respite": false,
"respite_period": null,
"sales_channel": "67a62e0a86dd708e52ab57dd",
"service": "residential_home",
"service_user": null,
"service_user_first_name": "Stuart",
"service_user_last_name": "Parker",
"service_user_preferred_name": null,
"service_user_title": "Ms",
"spoken_to_care_seeker": true,
"stage": "spoken_to",
"taken_by": "67a62e0b86dd708e52ab583d",
"timeframe_before_care_required": "4 months",
"title": "",
"town_postcode": "",
"tracking_campaign": null,
"tracking_id": null
The Id of the user the care enquiry is assigned to. If you do not specify a user then CareHQ will allocate a user based on the users at the associated location and their location role.
A description of the care requirements for the service user.
The date/time the care enquiry was received. Defaults to the date/time the document was created on CareHQ.
A boolean indicating if the service user has dementia, if not specified this indicates that it is unknown if the service user has dementia.
A boolean indicating if the service user has challenging behaviour. This field cannot be set if the service user does not have dementia.
A boolean indicating if the service user is prone to wander. This field cannot be set if the service user does not have dementia.
The service user's date of birth, a date of birth or an estimated age is required.
The care seeker's email address. Please note an phone/mobile number or email address is required.
A boolean indicating if the care seeker is enquiring for themself.
The care seeker's first name.
The type of funding in place to fund the service user's care.
The service user's gender.
Any other genders for the service user not defined in the predefined list of genders.
The service user's estimated age, a date of birth or an estimated age is required.
A boolean indicating if the service user has used your service before.
The care seeker's last name. Please note a first or last name is required.
A list of Ids for literature items that have been downloaded by the care seeker.
A list of Ids for literature items that have been sent to the care seeker.
The Id of the location the care enquiry relates to.
The care seeker's mobile number.
The care seeker's phone number.
Address line 1 (e.g. house name/number).
Address line 2 (e.g. street).
Postal code.
Town, city or village.
The Id of the referrer (group) that referred the care enquiry.
If an exact referrer group for the care enquiry doesn't exist then a description of another referrer can be provided.
The care seeker's relationship to the service user, common values include: Aunt, Brother, Brother-in-law, Cousin, Daughter, Daughter-in-law, Dentist, Discharge team member, District nurse, Doctor, Ex-husband, Ex-wife, Father, Father-in-law, Friend, Grandson, Grandson-in-law, Granddaughter, Granddaughter-in-law, Great granddaughter, Great grandson, Great nephew, Great niece, Husband, Independent broker, Lasting power of attorney, Mother, Mother-in-law, Neighbour, Nephew, Niece, Occupational therapist, Other, Partner, Sister, Sister-in-law, Social worker, Son, Son-in-law, Spiritual leader, Stepdaughter, Stepson, Uncle, Wife.
A boolean indicating if the care seeker requires respite care for the service user. If not specified this indicates that it is unknown if the service user requires respite.
The estimated period of respite required for the service user. This field is required if the service user requires respite.
The Id of the sales channel (group) the care enquiry arrived via.
The care service required by the service user.
The Id of an existing service user record for the service user associated with this care enquiry.
The service user's first name.
The service user's last name.
A name preferred by the service user.
The service user's title, common values include include: Mr, Mrs, Miss, Dr, Rev.
A boolean indicating if the care seeker has been spoken to.
The estimated timeframe before the service user will require care.
The care seeker's title, common values include include: Mr, Mrs, Miss, Dr, Rev.
The town or postcode where the service user is currently located.
The name of the marketing campaign that generated the care enquiry.
A tracking Id for the care enquiry defined by an third-party application or source.
A boolean indicating that the source of the enquiry is untrusted and may include invalid or junk enquiries. By flagging a care enquiry as from an untrusted source it makes it possible for users to delete invalid / junk enquiries when closing them.
Returns the care enquiry object created.
var careEnquiry = apiClient.Request(
new MultiValueDict()
"Fred is living at home on his own with " +
"the support of family. The family are looking for care " +
"to support Fred longer term."
.Add("dementia", "yes")
.Add("dementia_challenging_behaviour", "yes")
.Add("dementia_prone_to_wander", "yes")
.Add("dob", "1932-05-03")
.Add("email", "")
.Add("first_name", "Bob")
.Add("funding_type", "private")
.Add("last_name", "Foster")
.Add("location", locationId)
.Add("mobile", "07511 651299")
.Add("phone", "01620 250017")
.Add("referrer", referrerId)
.Add("relationship", "Son")
.Add("sales_channel", salesChannelId)
.Add("service", "residential_home")
.Add("service_user_first_name", "Fred")
.Add("service_user_last_name", "Foster")
.Add("service_user_title", "Mr")
.Add("spoken_to_care_seeker", "yes")
.Add("timeframe_before_care_required", "2 weeks")
.Add("title", "Mr")
.Add("town_postcode", "HP27 9ST")
$care_enquiry = $api_client->request(
'care_requirements'=>'Fred is living at home on his own with '
. 'the support of family. The family are looking for care '
. 'to support Fred longer term.',
'mobile'=>'07511 651299',
'phone'=>'01620 250017',
'timeframe_before_care_required'=>'2 weeks',
'town_postcode'=>'HP27 9ST'
care_enquiry = api_client(
'care_requirements': (
'Fred is living at home on his own with the support of '
'family. The family are looking for care to support Fred '
'longer term.'
'dementia': 'yes',
'dementia_challenging_behaviour': 'yes',
'dementia_prone_to_wander': 'yes',
'dob': '1932-05-03',
'email': '',
'first_name': 'Bob',
'funding_type': 'private',
'last_name': 'Foster',
'location': location_id,
'mobile': '07511 651299',
'phone': '01620 250017',
'referrer': referrer_id,
'relationship': 'Son',
'requires_respite': 'no',
'sales_channel': sales_channel_id,
'service': 'residential_home',
'service_user_first_name': 'Fred',
'service_user_last_name': 'Foster',
'service_user_title': 'Mr',
'spoken_to_care_seeker': 'yes',
'timeframe_before_care_required': '2 weeks',
'title': 'Mr',
'town_postcode': 'HP27 9ST'
care_enquiry = api_client.request(
data: {
'care_requirements' => 'Fred is living at home on his own with ' +
'the support of family. The family are looking for care ' +
'to support Fred longer term.',
'dementia' => 'yes',
'dementia_challenging_behaviour' => 'yes',
'dementia_prone_to_wander' => 'yes',
'dob' => '1932-05-03',
'email' => '',
'first_name' => 'Bob',
'funding_type' => 'private',
'last_name' => 'Foster',
'location' => location_id,
'mobile' => '07511 651299',
'phone' => '01620 250017',
'referrer' => referrer_id,
'relationship' => 'Son',
'sales_channel' => sales_channel_id,
'service' => 'residential_home',
'service_user_first_name' => 'Fred',
'service_user_last_name' => 'Foster',
'service_user_title' => 'Mr',
'spoken_to_care_seeker' => 'yes',
'timeframe_before_care_required' => '2 weeks',
'title' => 'Mr',
'town_postcode' => 'HP27 9ST'
"_id": "67a62e1931260496065d20bb",
"assigned_to": "67a62e0b86dd708e52ab5837",
"care_requirements": "Fred is living at home on his own with the support of family. The family are looking for care to support Fred longer term.",
"created": "2025-02-07 16:00:25",
"dementia": true,
"dementia_challenging_behaviour": true,
"dementia_prone_to_wander": true,
"dob_str": "1932-05-03",
"email": "",
"enquiring_for_self": false,
"first_name": "Bob",
"funding_type": "private",
"genders": [],
"genders_other": "",
"given_age": null,
"has_used_service_before": false,
"journey": {
"admitted": null,
"assessment_arranged": null,
"assessment_complete": null,
"closed": null,
"pending": {
"changed": "2025-02-07 16:00:25",
"user": "CareHQ API: Demo (67a62e0a86dd708e52ab5733)",
"user_sticky_label": "CareHQ API: Demo (67a62e0a86dd708e52ab5733)"
"spoken_to": {
"changed": "2025-02-07 16:00:25",
"user": "CareHQ API: Demo (67a62e0a86dd708e52ab5733)",
"user_sticky_label": "CareHQ API: Demo (67a62e0a86dd708e52ab5733)"
"visit_booked": null,
"visit_complete": null
"last_interaction": "2025-02-07 16:00:25",
"last_name": "Foster",
"literature_items_downloaded": [],
"literature_items_sent": [],
"location": "67a62e0b86dd708e52ab5831",
"lon_lat": [
"mobile": "07511 651299",
"modified": "2025-02-07 16:00:25",
"phone": "01620 250017",
"postal_address": {
"address_1": "",
"address_2": "",
"country": "",
"county": "",
"postcode": "",
"town": ""
"ref": "592",
"referrer": "67a62e0a86dd708e52ab57b7",
"referrer_other": "",
"relationship": "Son",
"requires_respite": false,
"respite_period": null,
"sales_channel": "67a62e0a86dd708e52ab57dd",
"service": "residential_home",
"service_user": null,
"service_user_first_name": "Fred",
"service_user_last_name": "Foster",
"service_user_preferred_name": "",
"service_user_title": "Mr",
"spoken_to_care_seeker": true,
"stage": "spoken_to",
"timeframe_before_care_required": "2 weeks",
"title": "Mr",
"town_postcode": "HP27 9ST"
Return a list of enquiries from care seekers.
A list of attributes to include for fetched objects.
A filter that allows care enquiries to be filtered by whether the enquiry is anonymized.
A filter that accepts a list of user Ids and filters care enquiries by the user they are assigned.
A filter that accepts a date and filters care enquiries to those created on or before the given date.
A filter that accepts a list of Ids and filters the items returned to those with an Id in the list.
A filter that accepts a list of location Ids and filters care enquiries by the location they were received for.
A filter that accepts a date/time and filters the items returned to those modified after the date/time.
A filter that accepts a date/time and filters the items returned to those modified before the date/time.
A case insensitive keyword filter applied to the following fields; ref, full_name, service_user_full_name.
A filter that allows care enquiries to be filtered by whether the service user requires respite care or not.
A filter that accepts a list of stages a care enquiry can be at and filters care enquiries by their current stage.
A filter that accepts a date and filters care enquiries to those created on or after the given date.
A filter that allows care enquiries to be filtered by the tracking (marketing) campaign that generated it.
A filter that allows care enquiries to be filtered by the tracking Id they are assigned.
The page number to fetch.
The number of items to return per page.
A list of fields the returned items can be sorted by. Fields prefixed with minus (-) sign are sorted in descending order.
Returns a page of care enquiries.
var careEnquiries = apiClient.Request(
new MultiValueDict()
.Add("attributes", "ref", "first_name", "last_name")
.Add("filters-stage", "visit_booked")
.Add("sort_by", "full_name")
$care_enquiries = $api_client->request(
'attributes'=>['ref', 'first_name', 'last_name'],
care_enquiries = api_client(
'attributes': ['ref', 'first_name', 'last_name'],
'filters-stage': ['visit_booked'],
'sort_by': 'full_name'
care_enquiries = api_client.request(
params: {
'attributes' => ['ref', 'first_name', 'last_name'],
'filters-stage' => ['visit_booked'],
'sort_by' => 'full_name'
"item_count": 1,
"items": [
"_id": "67a62e0e86dd708e52ab65b7",
"first_name": "Sara",
"last_name": "Sullivan",
"ref": "329"
"page": 1,
"page_count": 1,
"per_page": 10
var careEnquiry = apiClient.Request(
$care_enquiry = $api_client->request(
'care-enquiries/' . $care_enquiry_id
care_enquiry = api_client('GET', f'care-enquiries/{care_enquiry_id}')
care_enquiry = api_client.request('GET', "care-enquiries/#{care_enquiry_id}")
"_id": "67a62e0e86dd708e52ab65c5",
"anonymized": null,
"assigned_to": "67a62e0b86dd708e52ab583d",
"care_requirements": "Stuart is living at home on his own currently and is no longer able to care for herself and her family isn't located close enough to help support her.\n\nStuart is mobile but his legs feel heavy and he tends to shuffle/furniture walk. Stuart prefers not to use a frame but does have one and he will need help standing as it is an effort.\n\nStuart needs support with personal care and dressing.",
"closing_notes": null,
"created": "2025-02-04 12:00:00",
"dementia": true,
"dementia_challenging_behaviour": false,
"dementia_prone_to_wander": false,
"dob": "1951-03-26",
"email": "",
"enquiring_for_self": false,
"first_name": "Gordon",
"funding_type": "local_authority",
"genders": [
"genders_other": null,
"given_age": 73,
"has_used_service_before": false,
"journey": {
"admitted": null,
"assessment_arranged": null,
"assessment_complete": null,
"closed": null,
"pending": {
"changed": "2025-02-04 12:00:00",
"user": "67a62e0b86dd708e52ab583d",
"user_sticky_label": "Mark Walford <>"
"spoken_to": {
"changed": "2025-02-04 12:00:00",
"user": "67a62e0b86dd708e52ab583d",
"user_sticky_label": "Mark Walford <>"
"visit_booked": null,
"visit_complete": null
"last_interaction": "2025-02-04 12:00:00",
"last_name": "Parker",
"literature_items_downloaded": [],
"literature_items_sent": [
"location": "67a62e0b86dd708e52ab5831",
"lon_lat": null,
"mobile": "447884355387",
"modified": "2025-02-07 16:00:14",
"phone": "01237675680",
"placed_with_competitor": null,
"postal_address": {
"address_1": "Studio 80\nGemma lane",
"address_2": "",
"country": "",
"county": "Worcestershire",
"postcode": "WR10 1HH",
"town": "Port Shaunburgh"
"reason_for_closing": null,
"ref": "332",
"referrer": "67a62e0a86dd708e52ab57c1",
"referrer_other": null,
"relationship": "Brother",
"requires_respite": false,
"respite_period": null,
"sales_channel": "67a62e0a86dd708e52ab57dd",
"service": "residential_home",
"service_user": null,
"service_user_first_name": "Stuart",
"service_user_last_name": "Parker",
"service_user_preferred_name": null,
"service_user_title": "Ms",
"spoken_to_care_seeker": true,
"stage": "spoken_to",
"taken_by": "67a62e0b86dd708e52ab583d",
"timeframe_before_care_required": "4 months",
"title": "",
"town_postcode": "",
"tracking_campaign": null,
"tracking_id": null
Close a care enquiry that has failed to convert.
Notes on why the care enquiry closed. A comment will also be created and appended to the care enquiry from the closing notes.
The Id of the competitor (group) the care enquiry placed with.
The Id of the reason (group) the care enquiry closed.
Returns the care enquiry object that was closed.
var careEnquiry = apiClient.Request(
new MultiValueDict()
.Add("reason_for_closing", reasonForClosingId)
"Based on the follow up call we" +
"determined we are unable to meet Gordon's care need."
$care_enquiry = $api_client->request(
'care-enquiries/' . $care_enquiry_id . '/close',
'closing_notes'=>'Based on the follow up call we '
. 'determined we are unable to meet Gordon's care need.'
care_enquiry = api_client(
'reason_for_closing': reason_for_closing_id,
'closing_notes': (
"Based on the follow up call we determined we are unable "
"to meet Gordon's care need."
care_enquiry = api_client.request(
data: {
'reason_for_closing' => reason_for_closing_id,
'closing_notes' => 'Based on the follow up call we ' +
'determined we are unable to meet Gordon's care need.'
"_id": "67a62e1886dd708e52ab6f50",
"assigned_to": "67a62e0b86dd708e52ab5837",
"care_requirements": "Fred is living at home on his own with the support of family. The family are looking for care to support Fred longer term.",
"closing_notes": "Based on the follow up call we determined we are unable to meet Gordon's care need.",
"created": "2025-02-07 16:00:24",
"dementia": true,
"dementia_challenging_behaviour": true,
"dementia_prone_to_wander": true,
"dob_str": "1932-05-03",
"email": "",
"enquiring_for_self": false,
"first_name": "Bob",
"funding_type": "private",
"genders": [],
"journey": {
"admitted": null,
"assessment_arranged": null,
"assessment_complete": null,
"closed": {
"changed": "2025-02-07 16:00:24",
"user": "CareHQ API: Demo (67a62e0a86dd708e52ab5733)",
"user_sticky_label": "CareHQ API: Demo (67a62e0a86dd708e52ab5733)"
"pending": {
"changed": "2025-02-07 16:00:24",
"user": null,
"user_sticky_label": "api-fixture"
"spoken_to": {
"changed": "2025-02-07 16:00:24",
"user": null,
"user_sticky_label": "api-fixture"
"visit_booked": null,
"visit_complete": null
"last_interaction": "2025-02-07 16:00:24",
"last_name": "Foster",
"literature_items_downloaded": [],
"literature_items_sent": [],
"location": "67a62e0b86dd708e52ab5831",
"lon_lat": [
"mobile": "07511 651299",
"modified": "2025-02-07 16:00:24",
"phone": "01620 250017",
"placed_with_competitor": null,
"postal_address": {
"address_1": "",
"address_2": "",
"country": "",
"county": "",
"postcode": "",
"town": ""
"reason_for_closing": "67a62e0a86dd708e52ab5785",
"ref": "591",
"referrer": "67a62e0a86dd708e52ab57b7",
"relationship": "Son",
"sales_channel": "67a62e0a86dd708e52ab57dd",
"service": "residential_home",
"service_user_first_name": "Fred",
"service_user_last_name": "Foster",
"service_user_title": "Mr",
"spoken_to_care_seeker": true,
"stage": "closed",
"timeframe_before_care_required": "2 weeks",
"title": "Mr",
"town_postcode": "HP27 9ST"