October round up

Actions overview dashboard
The actions overview dashboard allows regional managers and account owners to quickly identify locations with outstanding actions.

October saw the release of the average stay report, a new dashboard for monitoring outstanding actions, and support for managing actions via the API, as well as a number of other improvements and fixes based on user feedback.

Average stay report

We've released a new average stay report to provide figures on the average length of, and revenue generated from, a resident stay across your locations. The report lets you view figures for permanent or respite care, different types of care (e.g. residential, nursing, etc.), and set the period to report on.

The length of and revenue from a resident stay often factors into marketing ROI calculations and revenue forecasts; as a next step we plan on using figures from the report to allow estimated revenue to be displayed within the sales pipeline dashboard, based on the number of active leads at each stage.

Actions overview dashboard

We also released a new dashboard for actions to make it easy to view the number of actions completed, currently due, and overdue for each location and location group within your portfolio. This makes it easy for regional managers and account owners to check locations are keeping on top of their tasks and provide additional support if any location is falling behind.

To access the new report select Dashboards > Actions from the main nav menu and then select the Overview tab.

Other updates & fixes

  • Updated the Weekly rate report to show min, max, and median rates (in addition to average rate).
  • Updated the Weekly rate report to support viewing a breakdown of figures for any date (not just the current date).
  • Updated the Occupancy report to support viewing a breakdown of figures for any date (not just the current date).
  • Added two options when adding a service user; Save or Save and book room. Previously users would always be asked to select a room after adding a service user.
  • The Location performance report is now available for CareHQ accounts without the service user module enabled.
  • Added an additional sheet to the Location performance report export that shows the details of all bookings used to generate figures within the report (invoicing module only).
  • Added a link to help and resources under the user's navigation menu.
  • Added a reset button under filters for all reports allowing users to quickly reset the report to its default settings.
  • Care enquiries can now be filtered by the date that they transitioned to a specific stage, for example when a visit was booked against a care enquiry.
  • Added links to the location column in the Missing documents report as a shortcut for filtering by location and viewing which service users at the location are missing documents.
  • Additional checks added to the CareHQ health check monitor for Redis and MongoDB to help raise connectivity issues faster (typically within 60 seconds).
  • OS Platform is now always recorded against user sessions. An issue with the OS platform being recorded as unknown caused a number of users to incorrectly receive emails suggesting they had signed in using a new device.
  • Fix for accept invite failing to display a relevant error message for users who have been temporarily blocked due to multiple failed sign-in attempts.
  • Fix for Missing documents report error when handling pending service users / residents (where a service user has been added to the system but has not been booked into the care home yet).
  • The primary funding type for service users is now set based on the type of the largest contributor type (this issue was limited to accounts with invoicing enabled).
  • Fixed issue where secure document downloads would return a 502 in some instances.
  • Fix for issue where admitting a care enquiry was not closing related actions (such as book a visit) if the service user module was not enabled.