Introducing the FNC applications report

Review the status of resident FNC applications across your care homes.

FNC (NHS-funded nursing care) can help residents cover the cost of nursing or medical care they receive from a registered nurse during their stay.

CareHQ now allows you to track which residents have applied for FNC and the outcome of their applications as well as highlighting residents who haven't yet applied but may be eligible.

Discover outstanding opportunities to apply for FNC

Against residents with nursing requirements we've added a new field; FNC application status which can  be assigned one of the following values:

  • Not applicable
  • Applied for
  • Granted
  • Declined

If no value is assigned to the field then the resident will appear in the FNC report under the row Not applied for / reviewed, indicating that the resident may be eligible for FNC and should be reviewed to see if an application can be made.

The FNC application report is available under Reports > Service users and provides an instant overview of current applications for pending / active residents across your portfolio. Selecting a value from the No. column allows you to view a list of residents with the associated status. This makes it easy, for example, to quickly view residents that should be reviewed for FNC eligibility.

Watch our short online video guide on tracking and reviewing FNC applications.