C# SDK released for CareHQ

We've had a number of requests recently to add support for C# and the .NET platform and so we've released a C# SDK for CareHQ.

CareHQ's API is used by a growing number of clients and partners and whilst it's possible to use the API with any programming language (I've seen SQL used recently), our SDKs (Source Development Kits) make this a lot easier by handling the authentication and verification parts for you when calling the API.

C# (pronounced C Sharp) is a free Open Source and cross-platform language developed by Microsoft and supported by the .NET platform. It's a popular language for web development and writing integrations with other Microsoft services and applications.

Our C# SDK can be installed using Visual Studio, NuGet or dotnet core. We've also made the source code available on Github and C# usage examples have been added to the API documentation.

Next steps

If you'd like to integrate your website or another application with CareHQ then we recommend initially speaking to one of our developers. We'll work with you and your development team (internal or external) to help you get started.

If your website or application is written in a programming language we don't currently have an SDK for, we'd love to hear from you as we're planning to introduce new SDKs in response to client feedback.