April round up

Respite to permanent report in CareHQ
Respite to permanent report in CareHQ

April saw the introduction of notification groups to help keep relevant parties up to date with key events as well as a new report on respite to permanent conversions. We also added support for proposed checkout dates to simplify billing for rolling respite contracts, and implemented tags for actions alongside a number of other improvements and fixes.

Respite to permanent report

A new report has been added which shows the number and percentage of respite residents that convert to permanent care. The report splits out conversions by those that converted whilst in the home vs those that have previously stayed at a care home but were not a resident at the point they returned.

The figures are provided by care home location and location groups, and can be filtered by care type (e.g. residential, nursing, nursing dementia) and / or funding type (e.g. private, LA, CHC, etc.)

The new report can be found under Reports > Sales > Respite to permanent.

Notification groups

Notification groups allow you to define a list of users and / or dedicated email addresses (e.g. billing@marshallcare.co.uk) to send notifications to.

Once a notification group has been defined it can be assigned to key events within CareHQ so that all recipients within the group will be notified when such events occur.

Notification groups are currently supported for the following event types:

  • When a required document is uploaded. For example this might be used to notify the finance/ops team about a document upload so that they can verify the document is the correct one.
  • When an action is complete. Often when creating an action for a user or care home team to complete you may want yourself or a department to be notified when the action has been completed.

The number of event types supported will grow as we roll notification groups out, and based on feedback from our users.

Other updates & fixes

  • Move and swap room now automatically update future consecutive bookings. This change means additional steps are no longer required when a resident has a future rate change booked in.
  • When residents are discharged future bookings and contracts are now automatically cancelled.
  • The discharge function now allows any date within the current booking or bookings consecutive to it to be selected. Previously if a discharge date fell within a previous or future booking, discharge had to be done by selecting that booking and setting an end date for it.
  • A payment method column has been added to the invoice export.
  • Card has been added as an option when selecting a billing party's payment method.
  • A resident's date of birth column has been added to the room export.
  • Petty cash and resident expense ledgers have been updated to use a new approach which provides a significant performance improvement especially for providers with a higher number of locations.
  • A new review action is now generated automatically when a resident is recorded as residential but is receiving FNC or CHC funding.
  • Invoices on the invoice run are now ordered by billing party, service user, and then billing period end date. This order is clearer in scenarios where a service user is moving from weekly to monthly or 4 weekly billing and there is an overlap in the billing periods.
  • A proposed checkout date can now be set for respite bookings rather than a fixed end date. This simplifies billing for rolling respite residents and helps with occupancy planning. Proposed checkout dates appear on the calendar and when a proposed checkout date is reached CareHQ generates an action notifying the care home that the date should be reviewed and confirmed or extended.
  • Actions can now be tagged by users. This adds a simple way to organise and search for actions added by users (vs. actions generated by CareHQ which are assigned a relevant tag automatically). The set of user tags available can be defined by the account owner under groups.
  • An option to export actions as a CSV or Excel file has been added to the actions search dashboard.
  • Fixed issue where the In service room count on the occupancy report was counting Out of service bookings for rooms that were archived.
  • Fixed issue where list invoices would cause a 500 error if a billing party associated with the invoice had been deleted.
  • Invoice line items for monthly fixed contracts now correctly show the rate as monthly and daily.
  • Nominal codes and tax rates can no longer be deleted when they are associated with an invoice item type. Without this rule in place it's possible to remove all nominal codes or tax rates from an invoice item type which causes the invoice editor to error.
  • Fixed issue where the typeahead displayed when merging a location contact wouldn't return any results which prevented users from finding a contact to merge with.
  • Fixed issue where raising outstanding invoices for a billing contract in some scenarios could generate invoices for both the current and the next billing period rather than just the current period. This issue occurred when the raise request was made on the start date of the current billing period.
  • Invalid telephone numbers that appear in the carehome.co.uk API data are now filtered out when importing care enquiries from carehome.co.uk.