A room within a location.
A unique Id for the room.
Flag indiciating if the room has been archived.
The date/time the group was created.
A list of the room's features.
The floor the room is located on; -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4.
A list of the funding types the room is available for; private, local_authority, local_authority_top_up, chc, chc_lifestyle, block_bed, dta_spot.
The Id of the location the room is in.
The date/time the group was modified.
The name/no. of the room.
A hash of room rates, keys are room rate type Ids and values are the rate for the room rate type.
The rate for the room (in pence).
A list of the type of care the room is suitable for; assisted_living, assisted_living_dementia, bariatric_care, learning_disability_care, residential, residential_dementia, nursing, nursing_dementia, specialist_care, specialist_care_dementia.
"_id": "67a62e0b86dd708e52ab586d",
"archived": false,
"created": "2025-02-07 16:00:11",
"features": [
"floor": "0",
"funding_types": [
"location": "67a62e0b86dd708e52ab5831",
"modified": "2025-02-07 16:00:11",
"name_no": "01",
"rates": {
"67a62e0b86dd708e52ab5861": 113000,
"67a62e0b86dd708e52ab5863": 135000,
"67a62e0b86dd708e52ab5865": 106000,
"67a62e0b86dd708e52ab5867": 162000,
"67a62e0b86dd708e52ab5869": 174500,
"67a62e0b86dd708e52ab586b": 155500
"suitable_for": [
Return a list of rooms.
A list of attributes to include for fetched objects.
A filter that allows rooms that are currently archived to be included or excluded.
A filter that accepts a list of room feature (Group) Ids and filters rooms by the features they have.
A filter that accepts a list of floors filters rooms by the floor they are located on.
A filter that accepts a list of funding types and filters rooms by the funding types they are available for.
A filter that accepts a list of Ids and filters the items returned to those with an Id in the list.
A filter that accepts a list of location Ids and filters rooms by their location.
A filter that accepts a date/time and filters the items returned to those modified after the date/time.
A filter that accepts a date/time and filters the items returned to those modified before the date/time.
A case insensitive keyword filter applied to the following fields; name_no.
A filter that accepts a list of care types and filters rooms by the types of care they are suitable for.
The page number to fetch.
The number of items to return per page.
A list of fields the returned items can be sorted by. Fields prefixed with minus (-) sign are sorted in descending order.
Returns a page of rooms.
var rooms = apiClient.Request(
new MultiValueDict()
.Add("attributes", "name_no")
.Add("filters-location", locationId)
$rooms = $api_client->request(
rooms = api_client(
'attributes': ['name_no'],
'filters-location': location_id
rooms = api_client.request(
params: {
'attributes' => ['name_no'],
'filters-location' => location_id
"item_count": 35,
"items": [
"_id": "67a62e0b86dd708e52ab586d",
"name_no": "01"
"_id": "67a62e0b86dd708e52ab586f",
"name_no": "02"
"_id": "67a62e0b86dd708e52ab5871",
"name_no": "03"
"_id": "67a62e0b86dd708e52ab5873",
"name_no": "04"
"_id": "67a62e0b86dd708e52ab5875",
"name_no": "05"
"_id": "67a62e0b86dd708e52ab5877",
"name_no": "06"
"_id": "67a62e0b86dd708e52ab5879",
"name_no": "07"
"_id": "67a62e0b86dd708e52ab587b",
"name_no": "08"
"_id": "67a62e0b86dd708e52ab587d",
"name_no": "09"
"_id": "67a62e0b86dd708e52ab587f",
"name_no": "10"
"page": 1,
"page_count": 4,
"per_page": 10
var room = apiClient.Request(HttpMethod.Get, $"rooms/{roomId}");
$room = $api_client->request('GET', 'rooms/' . $room_id);
room = api_client('GET', f'rooms/{room_id}')
room = api_client.request('GET', "rooms/#{room_id}")
"_id": "67a62e0b86dd708e52ab586d",
"archived": false,
"created": "2025-02-07 16:00:11",
"features": [
"floor": "0",
"funding_types": [
"location": "67a62e0b86dd708e52ab5831",
"modified": "2025-02-07 16:00:11",
"name_no": "01",
"rates": {
"67a62e0b86dd708e52ab5861": 113000,
"67a62e0b86dd708e52ab5863": 135000,
"67a62e0b86dd708e52ab5865": 106000,
"67a62e0b86dd708e52ab5867": 162000,
"67a62e0b86dd708e52ab5869": 174500,
"67a62e0b86dd708e52ab586b": 155500
"suitable_for": [