Care fund types can be created to track the remaining funds available for a service user and predict when these funds will be depleted.
A unique Id for the care fund type.
The date/time the care fund type was created.
The number of days prior to the fund being depleted to zero that notification should be sent to subscribed users.
The date/time the care fund type was created.
A unique name for the fund type (e.g. private fund).
"_id": "67a62e0b86dd708e52ab5847",
"created": "2025-02-07 16:00:11",
"days_before_notification": 180,
"modified": "2025-02-07 16:00:11",
"name": "Self-funding reserve"
Return a list of care fund types.
A list of attributes to include for fetched objects.
A filter that accepts a list of Ids and filters the items returned to those with an Id in the list.
A filter that accepts a date/time and filters the items returned to those modified after the date/time.
A filter that accepts a date/time and filters the items returned to those modified before the date/time.
A case insensitive keyword filter applied to the following fields; name.
The page number to fetch.
The number of items to return per page.
A list of fields the returned items can be sorted by. Fields prefixed with minus (-) sign are sorted in descending order.
Returns a page of care fund types.
var careFundTypes = apiClient.Request(
new MultiValueDict()
.Add("attributes", "name")
$care_fund_types = $api_client->request(
care_fund_types = api_client(
params={'attributes': ['name']}
care_fund_types = api_client.request(
params: {'attributes' => ['name']}
"item_count": 1,
"items": [
"_id": "67a62e0b86dd708e52ab5847",
"name": "Self-funding reserve"
"page": 1,
"page_count": 1,
"per_page": 10
Retrieve a care fund type object.
Returns a care fund type object.
var careFundType = apiClient.Request(
$care_fund_type = $api_client->request(
'care-fund-types/' . $care_fund_type_id
care_fund_type = api_client('GET', f'care-fund-types/{care_fund_type_id}')
care_fund_type = api_client.request(
"_id": "67a62e0b86dd708e52ab5847",
"created": "2025-02-07 16:00:11",
"days_before_notification": 180,
"modified": "2025-02-07 16:00:11",
"name": "Self-funding reserve"