November round up

Care enquiries data import tool
The new data importing tool for care enquiries provides real-time feedback as each record is imported

As the end of 2022 nears, our final update covers November and December which saw the introduction of a new suite of data import tools and support for recording and reporting on resident gender.

Data import tools

In December we released a suite of tools for importing data into CareHQ backed by a new import system we've developed to allow large quantities of data [1] to be safely imported into CareHQ.

Our primary goal for introducing data import tools was to help with the process of transitioning new clients from existing applications. Moving data from an existing CRM application to any new CRM can feel like a daunting task with two key parts:

  • exporting the data (which should be easy but rarely is)
  • and importing data.

When you move to CareHQ from another CRM application we take responsibility for transferring your data and so the development of a safe and capable import system is an essential feature. We also have a growing suite of tools for exporting data from competitor applications which is further helping to speed things up. If you are thinking of moving to CareHQ but have concerns about the process of transferring your data to a new CRM do reach out - we're confident we can help.

There's another advantage to being able to easily import data into CareHQ - the ability to update multiple records quickly. For example, we're currently working on a data import option for room prices [2], this will allow users to:

  • Export existing room data along with an import template.
  • Build a new import spreadsheet (CSV) with the room Id and updated price.
  • Import all updated prices in a single upload, removing the need to view and update every room.

Similar data import tools are planned to speed up large scale changes to resident fees and billing contracts.

The new data import tools are available to users with account owner privileges only, they can be accessed by selecting the Account item from the main navigation then selecting the Imports tab.

[1] So far we've tested over 100,000 records in a single import.

[2] Scheduled for release January 2023.

Gender recording and reporting

You can now record the gender of residents at the enquiry and admission stage. Being able to report on gender, especially when reporting on occupancy, has been requested by multiple clients as this information often forms part of their reports to investors.

The new gender field is present in both care enquiry and resident forms and supports for allocating multiple genders where applicable.

The gender field for residents

As well as recording the gender of residents you can now access the Gender report which provides a breakdown of residents by gender for any given period, and we've added a gender filter to all relevant existing reports.

The Gender report displays a breakdown of residents by gender for any given period

Other updates & fixes

  • Actions you create (as opposed to those CareHQ automatically creates) can now be pinned against (displayed on) a calendar. You can choose to pin them to either your own calendar or a locations calendar.
  • Bariatric care can now be set as a service offered by locations and specific rooms can be defined as suitable for bariatric care.
  • The types of funding a room is available for can now be set when adding/updating a room. The room availability checker has also been updated to allow filtering by funding type.
  • The occupancy report can now provide a detailed breakdown for the period under review rather than only a single day.
  • The weekly rate report can now provide a detailed breakdown for the period under review rather than only a single day.
  • Fixed issue where it was possible to add a care fund without specifying a care fund type.
  • Fixed issue where non-active service users could be sent low balance notifications.